Oldam Wet Wipes Super Thick & Moist - Bundle Set
🍀 OLDAM Signature baby wipes (Pet-Friendly too)
đź’§9packs (630pcs) only Cap
đź’§Made in Korea
đź’§Expiry date: 2 year from the Manufactured day
- No Preservative use
[200 X 200 mm | 80g thickness/pc]
• Extract from natural ingredients from Jeju saryeoni forest
• Thick and soft durable Embossed Fabric
• High absorbency for its thickness
Other information:
• Uses 6-steps of water purification
• 99.9% purified water
• Contains only safe moisturizing
• ingredients from FDA approval
OLDAM MINI 1 PACKET (20 PIECES) (New Package )